Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Animal Expo 2012

A few months ago the boyfriend, his mother and I headed out to an Animal Expo being held in our city. A childhood favourite, celebrity vet Dr.Harry was going to be there giving advice - I wondered what he would look like. He was a pretty old guy when I loved to watch him as a kid (on Burke's Backyard, Harry's Practice and then Better Homes and Gardens).

 Unfortunately the expo was a bit of a let down, for the others anyway, with mostly cats and dogs.
I however would have been happy to walk around all day and proclaim ever animal the cutest I've ever seen.

If you don't like pictures of adorable animals or you have a slow internet connection, I suggest you stop reading now :)
  Animal Expo

Monday, May 7, 2012

Revlon Lip Butters

Revlon lip butters are finally in Australia! I mentioned in a recent post how youtube was filled with american 'beauty gurus' reviewing revlons new half lipstick, half lip balm product. The reviews were all so positive that I just really wanted to see what all the fuss was about. There were lots on eBay but I wanted to wait until they were in stores here to see how much they would cost and have a look at the colours in person.

  I got so excited when I noticed a big stand of them in Priceline, but then I saw that there were $20 (AUD) each! That might not be much to anyone else, but to me it seems ridiculous. The store was having a buy one get one free sale on Revlon Lip and Eye products though, and I ended up buying three (as well as another lipstick and I received a free bush set that is actually pretty nice - all for $40)

Revlon lip butters

I ended up choosing these three colours - Strawberry shortcake, Lollipop and Sugar Plum

I thought that I would wear strawberry short cake the most since it seemed like an everyday pale pink, but for some reason it looks a bit strange on me. Maybe it's because my hair is lighter now and having pale skin, pale hair and pale lips doesn't look right. Lollipop is an awesome fun bright colour but because it's so bright I wouldn't wear it every day.

I picked sugar plum up because I don't have and plum coloured lip products and the moment and it ended up being my favourite ! It's lovely
  Revlon lip butters

Revlon lip butters

I'd love to try some more shades, especially Cherry Tart and Berry Smoothie, but at their current price I can't see it happening

xo Jodie

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Meet Lola !

I can't remember how it began, but for the past few years I have been completely enamoured by bunnies!

I've watched every video of them hopping around on youtube, seen and saved every adorable photo of them posing in sweaters and eating flowers to be found online, own numerous bunny themed books, artworks, jewellery and clothing items - I just love them!! I mean, how can I not?!

dwarf lop bunny lola
(This picture has been my desktop background for so long I've lost the source. Let me know if you know pretty please)

Until recently I didn't live in a place that would allow me to have my own and it was the most devastating.
  Long story short, two weeks ago we drove to the other side of town to pick up the most adorable little boy! Meet Lola! Named after bugs bunnies girlfriend and the Kinks song

dwarf lop bunny lola

Isn't he adorable? When we first got him home the dog, Zorro, was so curious. He would cry and sit by the cage just watching Lola hop around, who didn't mind a bit. Zorro is a bit more comfortable with Lola now, but I'm still hesitant to let them get too close as he is a breed of hunting dog and I'm scared he will get a bit bitey.

  dwarf lop bunny lola

dwarf lop bunny lola

We are planning on getting a large, temporary cage that we can set up on the lawn so he can run a bit further, in the meantime we have a tiny harness so he can explore. I expected him to not like it very much, but he doesn't even notice and hops around the entire yard.

I could probably write an essay about this little guy and we've only had him for two weeks - I love him so much! (I'm pretty sure he feels the same way about me too - When I pat him,  he licks like crazy and sometimes even chatters his teeth which I've read is a bunnies version of a cat purring)

I don't have that many great photos yet - he hardly ever sits still

If anyone has any advice about anything bunny related, please leave a comment below because i'm new to this and want to keep him as healthy and happy as possible :)

xo Jodie

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Wishlist Wednesday

valentines day wish list wednesday 
Butter London

I wish I knew where in Adelaide to get Butter London nail polish - Just look how pretty to colours are!

Top - Disco Biscuit, The Black Knight, Tart with a heart
Bottom - The Full Monty, Slapper

 I also really wish my computer would start working properly again. Using photoshop has become such a pain in the bum and I have some photos I really, really need to edit to send to a friend (From her recent engagement party).

 I'm going to start saving my hardest to get a new macbook, I was hoping they were still available in white though - silver just doesn't look right to me.

I have so many photos I want to add to this blog too, but resizing and uploading them is just too hard at the moment.

  There was a 50 million dollar lotto draw here overnight and my boyfriend hasn't checked if he won yet - He said he would get me a new computer for my birthday if he does win. How sweet! Fingers crossed !

xo Jodie

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Friday Favourites 20/4/12

Friday favourites burts bees loreal oxy10 Friday favourites burts bees loreal oxy10

Pores be pure - Skin-clarifying mask - I picked this up because it was on sale for around $6 at the supermarket. I've never really liked face masks - the idea of them appeals to me and I've used a few, but  never seen results that made them worth it. This one kind of stings when you put it on, but it stops pretty quickly. I normally just put it on first thing in the shower and wash it off before I step out - pores minimised and skin smoother.

I Love Juicy shampoo by Lush - I have a really sensitive scalp and have only ever found one shampoo that doesn't cause me issues. I heard such great things about this shampoo that I wanted to try it - then I had a chance to smell it and I was sold. It's pretty much the best scent in the world ! I don't use it every time I wash my hair, probably ever second or third time and you can always tell - It makes my hair super clean and shiny! Bonus, the smell stays on the hair for ages. So good

Teenage Dreams, Katy Perry for OPI - Pink, super sparkly, easy to apply. What's not to love? (I found mine cheap on eBay)

Sorry about the sporadic blogging, I haven't been having the best time lately. My life feels like a big mess at the moment. I wish I could say I've been busy trying to work things out, but not really. I don't even know what I've been doing

xo Jodie

Saturday, April 7, 2012


banana pancakes

The weekend before last I pretended Saturday morning was a lazy Sunday because I had work the next day. I slept in a little and made banana pancakes. So yummy. I drank Black Rose tea and read the newspaper - I never seem to have time to do that. It was lovely

banana pancakes

banana pancakes

My cute little swan tea diffuser, from eBay

banana pancakes

I wish this weekend was as relaxing, i'll be at work! I hope you all are having a nice easter, what do you do to 'celebrate'?

(Do people celebrate easter? That just sounds strange to me... I guess it is a good thing that Jesus was resurrected)

xo Jodie

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Sickly Busy

Friday favourites burts bees loreal oxy10 Poor little abandoned blog :( I feel so awful for not posting in so long. Especially when I have lot of photos and things to share. My surgery last week went really well - the recovery process was a lot more painful and less productive then I planned.

I wanted to organise some personal things, make blog posts and get stuff done. I ended up staying in bed, drinking tea and watching silly things on television for almost a week. I tried to find some interesting documentaries to watch - if anyone has any recommendations I'd so grateful.

Right after I recovered I started my new job in a nursing home :)
Learning the routine of  a new place, getting to know the residents and being up and ready to head to work by 6am - super hard work (I am the furthest thing from a morning person!)

And.. now I'm sick with the flu and in bed drinking tea again.

Hopefully I will get healthy again soon because I have some fun things I want to share.

xo Jodie

photo from here :) 

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wish List Wednesday 29/2

valentines day wish list wednesday 
A simple list of wishes this Wednesday :)

 *  I am wishing for a foundation that is actually pale enough for me. Mac don't make one and I haven't had any luck with 'drugstore' brands. I want to know how I'm meant to find a product light enough to highlight my face if I can't even find one to match my skin in the first place. Any suggestions ?

*  I would love to go and get my hair cut and coloured somewhere nice, by someone who knows their stuff. The only people who have done anything to my hair in the last few years have been me and my former housemate. A trim here and there and random, box colours I was feeling at the time. I want to see a professional !

*The only other thing I'd love at the moment if for my surgery to go well on Tuesday. I have been patiently waiting to have my four impacted and very painful wisdom teeth extracted for three, almost four years. I had an appointment today to find out the date of my operation (it was meant to be another six weeks away) and they'd had a last minute cancellation. So surgery next week it is! My incredibly sweet boyfriend is taking two days off to look after me. I hope I don't swell up too much! I have to take a week off work, which I haven't even actually startet yet (I start tomorrow) Wish me luck!

xo Jodie

P.S Happy Leap Year! (do people say that? who knows!)

Friday, February 24, 2012

Friday Favourites

Friday favourites burts bees loreal oxy10 Friday favourites burts bees loreal oxy10

An update on one of last weeks favourites, the Oxy10 treatment - I currently have no active breakouts. I don't think this has happened to me since I was about three months old! Yay

    Aveeno Cleanser - I didn't really do much research before picking a new facial cleanser, which is pretty silly because it seems like such an important thing for your skin. I was shopping in Big W, picked out two that I thought sounded nice and literally had my boyfriend hold both behind his back and I chose a hand!  This cleanser is super nice, it makes my skin super soft and doesn't dry it out. It's also sparkly and gold - so cool!

Aveeno Positively Radiant Cleanser - Less then $10 at Big W

The BBC Life Series - I'm not really sure what to say about this series other then it's Amazing ! I watched the entire series three times in about two days and learnt so much. Some of the footage they captured during the four years (!!!) of filming is just.. incredible. It aired in 2009 and I can't believe I've only just watched it.

My favourite bit:

How great are they? I laugh so hard every time I watch that, the little fish spitting out the sand to help the Mum fish. So Cute! :D

Only two favourites this week. I haven't really had much spare time and wont for a while - three job interviews and pre-employment medicals, dental appointments, a doctors visit, a golf date, a double birthday party, seeing Taylor Swift and a family BBQ. Lots going on :)

On the plus side, I have a new job and might have another one soon :D

xo Jodie

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wish List Wednesday - Books and Brushes

valentines day wish list wednesday valentines day wish list wednesday Some things I'm wishing for this week :)

New Brushes and Butter

 1 + 2 - I really want to try out some sigma makeup brushes. The set I use currently was about $10 on ebay and they're pretty rough. The blue travel set is from their new vegan collection called 'Mr.Bunny' -  practically made for me. I'm obsessed with bunnies!

 3 Revlon Lip Butters - These need to come to Australia soon, everyone on youtube is saying how amazing they are.

A New Camera

4 It probably seems silly but I'd love to get some little lenses for my iPhone. I think i'd feel a bit silly using them though, but it would make my phone like a real tiny little camera.

5 I've been using the same Canon 350D for almost eight years! I still love it and use it almost every day, the only complain I have is that the LCD screen is so tiny. You can hardly tell if anything is in focus (my poor eyesight probably doesn't help). I'd love to upgrade

6 A pretty new camera strap to go with my new camera? Or just my old one. The one pictured above is adorable. Here's another reversible one, so cute.

 Some new books to read! Even though we have piles of books I haven't read yet, I really want to get a copy of these!

7 - The Hunger Games trilogy - So that I can see what all the Hype is about (Although  maybe I should have learnt my lesson, I tried reading twilight once. Definitely not for me!)

8  - The Eye a Natural History - I borrowed this from the library once and I never got to finish it because they requested it back. I have been obsessed with it ever since - It was so interesting and it was one of the first non-fiction books I read for fun outside of school. Now I love them

       'Using a spellbinding mix of scientific research, mathematics, philosophy, history, neuroscience, anecdote and language theory, in The Eye Simon Ings unravels brilliantly the never-ending puzzle of how and why we see in the way that we do.'

9 - A Time to Dance a Time to Die - The Extraordinary Story of the dancing plaque of 1518. I just really want to know what happens!

Happy Wednesday :)

xo Jodie

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Instagram Recap

   The week since my last post has been a pretty crazy one. I had a job interview which went really well and have been helping my boyfriend and his mum organise their house so that my things will fit. It's so easy (for me especially) to accumulate a lot of.. stuff - for lack of a better word.
Some of it still useful, just not at the present time, and some of it purely sentimental so it's stored away and forgotten about. I really need to work on just keeping (and buying!) things that I need and love. I have a bad habit of picking up furniture I see on the side of the road, or buying it cheaply at op shops when I have no need for it right now and nowhere to store it.

 On that subject - my mum and I are holding a garage sale in a few weeks. I hope I sell lots, I need the cash !

Here are some photos from the last week (From left to right)

Valentines day make up, pretty flowers at Ikea, a toy dinosaur I found in my bag, Scotty, sorting out my new room, Napping with Zorro, 'bird' listening to some other rainbow lorikeets on youtube and talking back, ready for my job interview, Electronic, Australian Monopoly (I won! woohoo)

Follow my on Instagram on the iPhone: firsttooth
and let me know if you have any good garage sale tips!

xo Jodie

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Wish List Wednesday - Stinky !

valentines day wish list wednesday

candles wish list wednesday

For some reason this post didn't go up on Wednesday like I was ment to - so I'm posting a 'Wish List Wednesday' on a Friday. You can tell I'm new to blogging !

Scented Things

  While my boyfriend loves burning incents I definitely prefer candles ! They light the create is just so pretty,  I even like they way they smell when you blow them out - just like birthday candles. So many memories of cakes and fun parties.

I waste* lots of my spare time watching 'beauty guru' videos on youtube and lots of them talk about their love for Bath and Body Works scented candles.  I'm not really sure where to buy these in Australia and postage seems like it would cost a buttload because of how heavy the glass jars would be :(

These cute ones from dusk seem like a good alternative. Cotton Candy, Orange Fizz - Yum!

1. Orange Fizz - Juicy Fruit jar candle
2. Cotton Candy - Medium Pillar
3. Grape Ice - Revlon Scented nail polish
4. Peach Smash - Juicy Fruit jar candle

I have a priceline voucher burning a hole in my pocket so I think I'm going to get the grape nail polish soon. Grape is my favourite flavour, scent, anything! So good.

I was looking on Etsy the other day and found a bacon scented candle. Can you imagine that? I can't decide if I would like that or not

 (*I say waste because it's pretty time consuming, but I learn so much and save heaps of money based on their recomendeations.  I love Amarixe and FleurDeForce - They seem so lovely. I just wished the lived closer so we could be best friends! I always learn so much from Gossmakeupartist - and he's pretty cute )

Pretty Things

5. How amazing is this Camera bag from ?
6. A cute print for my new room! From Etsy
7. A gorgeous original print in frame by Danny Brito - Ghost Mountain 

xo Jodie

P.s Does anyone know if these dusk candles are good? Do they fill a room with the smell well? Let me know in the comments :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

What I Wore - Shorts !

I wore this outside for about half an hour while I went to the grocery store. How silly! Sometimes getting dressed can seem like a chore - nothing fits right, looks right and I just can't be bothered.
Other times I can't wait to get dressed, normally when I have an outfit already planned in my head. I rediscovered these shorts just a few days ago while moving house and I had to wear them! Normally I am always wearing some kind of dress, a cardigan and black tights. I think I got stuck in this 'uniform' because I have always had a pretty large bum! I never felt comfortable in pants or shorts - I have pretty much given up on finding flattering jeans !
Lately though, I feel like I don't really care as much if people look at me and decide I'm fat, or think my outfits are awful. Being stuck in a routine like that is super boring, especially when I love clothing and putting outfits together. Who cares what people think!

what I wore outfit of the day shorts

what I wore outfit of the day shorts

what I wore outfit of the day shorts
A totally awful jumping photo!
what I wore outfit of the day shorts

This shirt has the cutest metal pocket - I wish it didn't shrink in the wash and start showing my belly though! I also tried out something new with my make up too - pink and green on my eyes.

what I wore outfit of the day shorts
what I wore outfit of the day shorts
Outfit Details:

Cardigan - Target
Shirt - MissShop, Myer
Shots - Target
Shoes - Human Premium, Haris Scarfe

xo Jodie

Humid Tuesday

I hung out with my boyfriend around the house today, eating breakfast and cleaning up. I was meant to head out to run some errands but it was too hot - well, not hot but humid and that is my least favourite thing in the world. Humidity! Yuck !

 Shea made me scrambled eggs - No one makes them better. I could eat them everyday!


eggs scrambled eggs

eggs scrambled eggs

eggs scrambled eggs scone toast

How cute is he? :D
eggs scrambled eggs

eggs scrambled eggs

eggs scrambled eggs

xo Jodie

Saturday, February 11, 2012


Today I started moving all my things into my new place and it got me thinking about how I would like to decorate my new 'bedroom'. (It wont be a real bedroom because there wont be a bed! - Just a couch, my clothes, shoes and other belongings. Kind of like a big walk in wardrobe which is exciting).
Currently my possessions are spread out in three different houses, and it's the worst feeling. I can't wait until I am grown up enough to be able to move into a house of my own that I can decorate and organise anyway I like. All my things in one place! It sounds like such a luxury. Until then, I only have one small space that I can make my own.

cute bedroom paletooth
cute bedroom paletooth
cute bedroom paletooth
cute bedroom paletooth
cute bedroom paletooth
cute bedroom paletooth
cute bedroom paletooth

( I have been collecting photos of bedrooms and houses that I love pretty much since I started using the internet - and I never thought to keep the sources. Let me know if you know where these pictures came from! )

My boyfriend doesn't really get why I can't just move my things in and be done with it but unlike him, I am very aesthetically motivated. Why have something (anything) that is just functional when you can have something functional and pretty? 

I already have a few vintage suitcases that I keep stacked up and use for storage. I also have an old bird cage that I am thinking of painting pink and filling with lights.  I want to get some cushions to cover up the couch (it's red! my least favourite colour) and some pretty framed art to hang on the walls.
I can't wait to see what it turns out like ! :D

Blogger Bedrooms that I adore:

I love the cushions and the adorable colours in Kates (Scathingly-Brilliant) room
More cushions and some pretty lights on Delightfully Tacky
Amazing colours and inspring framed artworks in Kaelah Bee's loft. I read that she's moving soon, I can't wait to see how her new house turns out :)

xo Jodie 

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Friday favourites burts bees loreal oxy10
Friday favourites burts bees loreal oxy10

   About four months ago I was out shopping and I suddenly decided that I wanted to bleach my hair. Before that, I had been using exactly the same box dye for about five years - a dark red/cherry kind of colour. I wasn't really sure what the colour result would be, but I knew that it was probably going to damage my hair quite a bit.
I decided to pick up a hair conditioner treatment type product at the same time as buying the bleach to try and repair some of the damage. I chose one that was pretty cheap and it ended up being my new favourite product !

 This Elvive total repair treatment is seriously amazing - it smells awesome and you can feel how soft it's going to make your hair as soon as you apply it. I ended up bleaching my hair about three separate times and used this each time - I can't say for sure that the lack of damage was a result of this product (I've never used bleach before) but I still love it (and have kept using it)

- Elvive Total Repair - Deep repair treatment: Less then $10 at Big W or Coles (+ most other supermarkets)

 Hair progress (It's pretty much back to the original color now, but minus the full fringe):

Friday favourites burts bees loreal oxy10

    I have had sensitive / acne prone skin for as long as I can remember - and I hate it! I have pretty much tried everything available to get rid of my spots (even proactive. I was sucked in by those amazing before and after photos on the infomercials!) I even tried another version of this oxy treatment a few years ago, but the Oxy5 version - nothing ever worked.

I thought that acne was something I would eventually grow out of, and at 22 it has definitely improved, it is still, unfortunately, a problem.

Recently my breakouts have been getting worse. I went to my doctor who suggested I try taking a mild antibiotic every day, which I tried. For three months! Nothing changed.
When I was in the chemist about a week ago getting my antibiotics, I started talking to the person at the counter about the reason for me taking them. She suggested I try a stronger version of the oxy treatment, Oxy10 - I'm so glad I did!

I have never seen results like this with any acne treatment. I washed my face, put it on and my spots were literally gone the next day! There was still some redness on my skin, but it was easily covered with foundation. I wish I knew about this stuff when I was 15!

Hopefully I will  eventually find a face wash or something similar to keep the spots developing in the first place, or I will start eating super healthy (not likely).  Oxy10 works great in the meantime

Oxy10 - Maximum strength spot treatment - $14.95 at the Pharmacy

   There's isn't really much to say about Burt's Bees lip balm, other then it rules! I used to only be able to use pawpaw ointment on my lips, as they are way too sensative. Pawpaw is alright, but it's pretty slippery and I was pretty sick of it after a few years. I tried Burt's bees on a whim and ended up loving it. It makes your lips supersoft, even when you don't have it on, and tastes lovely too

Burt's Bees - Bees wax Lip Balm $6 at Priceline

These are mt three favourite things of the week (which probably wont always be beauty related things). Let me know if you check them out!

xo Jodie

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


valentines day wish list wednesday
I really miss my pink hair and it's almost Valentines day - so I put together some cute pink things I have been wishing for. (How amazing is that bag?)

valentines day wish list

Right now I'm looking for a new job so having bright pink hair isn't really an option. (either is buying any of these lovely things) Applying for jobs is probably the worst thing ever, especially when I know that I am a great employee. I have heaps of retail experience, a TAFE certificate in making Espresso coffee, my Aged Care certificat III- even sales experience. But even Mcdonalds wont hire me.
Oh well, my fingers are crossed for a new opportunity soon.

In other exciting news, I am moving within the week. Out of a house I live in with four friends and in with my boyfriend (and his Mum).They have a pet dog and bird so I have to leave Asha at my Mums house which is super sad for me -  but she's happy there and I can always go visit.

xo Jodie

Item Information:

Lipsy Jewel Round Cocktail Ring
Vintage Glasses 
Fine Knit Jumper
Oval and Oval Again Earrings
Bubble Gum Glamour Shoe
Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer 
OPI Sweetheart
Stunning Sakura Ring
Cotton Candy Gloss Flat
Gilded Embrace Dress
Tights for Every Occasion in Rose
Patent Colour Watch
Subtle Shades Handbag
You're the Fun Dress
PICKLE Mary Jane Platform Heels
Carvela Antibes Glitter Platform Court Shoes
Shellys Apricot Twisted Strap Suede Platform Shoes